Let's collaborate

Become an Edufier!

Creating sustainable solutions for the 17 SDGs involves collaboration amongst all the stakeholders. Are you a Minecraft enthusiast or expert? Or an architect of sustainable solutions? Are you a teacher looking for project-based ideas that can be implemented in-class or online? Or a student wanting to do more for the planet? Join us to become a Guide or Explorer in the Straylings Global Goals Explorer Club Challenge.

Are you a…

  • Student
  • Educator
  • Elder
  • Gamer
  • Designer
  • Illustrator
  • Representative of an educational Institution
  • Mentor
  • Financial service provider
  • Developer
  • Tech-resource provider
  • Advisor

… or anyone else who is passionate about transforming the education the system and wants to become an Edufier.

We are happy to hear from you and find ways to collaborate and co-create.